It is a strange world.

This week I hit bottom…. a funk so low it was unbearable, unfortunately (or fortunately) there were things to be done… a podcast, work, soccer practice… and the world hasn’t gotten around to accepting depression as a valid excuse for not showing up.

Part of this leads me to my 2nd point, the reason why it’s not accepted is that to most people depression is just seen as a bad mood, a simple “Chin Up”, “Snap out of it” is all you really need. In a way I can’t blame them… unless you’ve been there… it hard to know what to do.

The reason I bring this up is that I finally found someone who could actually talk me out of my funk, not a psychologist… not a Doctor, and not from that warm fuzzy person with the outgoing disposition that everyone seems to have somewhere in their lives.

It came from someone in the same position as myself… we talked for over an hour, discussing our moods, swapping stories… and raising each others spirits. The experience was enlightening to say the least, I hadn’t even considered that what I really needed was to talk to someone not only who had experienced depression… but who was in a funk at the time.

Thank you… your a life saver 🙂
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Nothing Important

Well here I go into my first official blog post, don’t even know where it’s going… but maybe that’s a good thing.

It’s been a weird week between one thing and another, I’m finally getting back on track at work which is good, it was looking a little dicey there for a while.
My emotions have been way out of whack for some reason but I think I’m getting a handle on it, this week I went to a new Improv group which is a good thing, reception on the new poem was good and also therapeutic to be able to perform it.
I think I need this Improv group in my life, I’m so sick of the local theater scene and need an outlet that isn’t so restrictive… I mean how many shows can one do for a population of retirees who don’t want to hear swearing… or see something that doesn’t mesh with their religion.
It really becomes quite stifling after a while.

So I’m taking a break… working as Stage Manager for only one director, she’s the only one I could work with as she is a great friend and the only reason I am doing anything with the Players.

On a very separate tangent… I witnessed a win for social networking on Friday as Twitter took on Jan Moir… And WON! I won’t drag the story onto here there are plenty of places to check it out. But my hat is off to Stephen Fry and sooo many others who saw something wrong in this world and did something about it.

Well I think that about wraps it up for my first entry… hopefully more will follow 🙂
